Summer Sessions 2019 Course Syllabus
Course: PHYS-1315- Section: 01 Physical Science I |
Instructor Information | |||||||||
Instructor | Dr. Kyung-AE Son-Guidry | |||||||| | |||||||||
Phone | (409) 984-6384 | ||||||||
Office |
Department |
Course Information | |||||||||
Description | Course, designed for non-science majors, that surveys topics from physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, and meteorology. | ||||||||
Prerequisites | Basic Reading and Math Skills | ||||||||
Learning Outcomes |
1.Demonstrates comprehension of content-area material (PSLO Alpha) measured by pre-test/post-test 2.Explain the difference between mass and weight(PSLO 2, 3) measured by Homework and embedded Test questions 3. Analyze motion; calculate speed, velocity, and acceleration(PSLO1, 2, 3, 4) measured by Lab Project and embedded Test questions 4.Apply and use Newton's 3 Laws(PSLO1, 2, 3) measured by Homework, labs, and embedded Test questions 5.Apply and use energy and work concepts(PSLO 1. 3) measured by Homework, labs and embedded Test questions 6.Apply and use impulse and momentum concepts(PSLO1, 2, 3, 4) measured by Homework, labs and embedded Test questions 7.Analyze problems and apply the principles of physics expressed in mathematical equations(PSLO3) measured by homework exercises 8. Read text material to identify important ideas and principles, and discuss their applications in physical situations(PSLO1) measured by homework questions and embedded test questions 9. Work in groups to develop presentations informing the class concerning important ideas and principles and their application(PSLO 1, 2, 4) measured by group projects in class, or discussion board for online courses 10. Define the fundamental properties of matter (PSLO Alpha) measured by pre-test/ post-test. 11. Classify matter, compounds, and chemical reactions (PSLO 1, 3) measured by embedded test questions 12. Determine the basic nuclear and electronic structure of atoms (PSLO 1, 3) by embedded test questions. 13. Identify trends in chemical and physical properties of the elements using the Periodic Table (PSLO 1,3) measured by embedded questions and observations. |
Core Objectives |
* Communication skills: Students will demonstrate effective written, oral and visual communication. * Critical Thinking Skills: Students will engage in creative and/or innovative thinking, and/or inquiry, analysis, evaluation, synthesis of information, organizing concepts and constructing solutions. * Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Students will demonstrate applications of scientific and mathematical concepts. * Teamwork: Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal and consider different points of view. |
Program Student Learning Outcomes |
PSLO ALPHA: Reading skills - Demonstrates comprehension of the content-area reading material. Identifies all main ideas, supporting details, and vocabulary in reading material; demonstrates a full understanding of the reading. PSLO 1: Critical Thinking Skills: Uses creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. Creatively identifies problem, argument, or issue (to determine the extent of information needed); differentiates the facts from opinions as relates to situation; constructs possible solutions or prediction or consequences; uses logical, sound reasoning to justify the conclusion. PSLO 2: Communication Skills: Demonstrates effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and/or visual communication. Expresses a strong thesis; organizes information with effective transitions & sequencing of ideas; uses substantial, logical & specific development of ideas; details are relevant, original, credible and correctly documented when appropriate to show an effective development and interpretation of ideas; and presents ideas in appropriate mode of expression for the task. PSLO3: Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Applies the manipulation and/or analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions. Identifies mathematical or scientific principles needed to complete a task; uses mathematical or scientific principles needed to complete a task; analyzes how to use the principles, and applies problem-solving skills in mathematical or scientific principles needed to complete a task with correct informed conclusions. PSLO 4: Teamwork Skills- Shows the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal. Helps the team move forward by discussing merits of alternative ideas; Treats team members respectfully; uses positive facial, vocal or written tone, or language to convey a positive attitude; Motivates teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task; Provides assistance/encouragement to team members; Completes all assigned tasks by deadline; Addresses conflict constructively; or helps the group avoid conflict completely. |
Textbooks |
Conceptual Physical Science by Paul Hewitt, ed.6, Pearson Addison Wesley with Mastering Physics by Pearson("online" tutorial and homework) Lower version of Textbook is also accepted, but a separate access code needed to log on MasteringPhysics for HW. |
Lecture Topics Outline |
Week Chapter(s) Contents Labs 1 1 Patterns of Motion & Equilibrium #1: Inertia & Equilibrium 2 Newton’s Laws of Motion #2: Project 1: Balloon Racer 2 3 Momentum & Energy #3 4 Gravity #4: 1-4 Test I Review & Test I 3 5 Fluid Mechanics #5: Project 2: Scientist Bio 6 Thermal Energy #6 4 7 Heat Transfer #7 5-7 Test II Review & Test II 12 Atoms and the Periodic Table #8 13 The Atomic Nucleus #9: 5 14 Elements of Chemistry 15 Atomic Bonding 12-15 Test III Review & Test III Project 2 Presentation 5 Review/Final |
Major Assignments Schedule |
Week Chapter(s) Contents Labs 1 1 Patterns of Motion & Equilibrium #1: Inertia & Equilibrium 2 Newton’s Laws of Motion #2: Project 1: Balloon Racer 2 3 Momentum & Energy #3 4 Gravity #4: 1-4 Test I Review & Test I 3 5 Fluid Mechanics #5: Project 2: Scientist Bio 6 Thermal Energy #6 4 7 Heat Transfer #7 5-7 Test II Review & Test II 12 Atoms and the Periodic Table #8 13 The Atomic Nucleus #9: 5 14 Elements of Chemistry 15 Atomic Bonding 12-15 Test III Review & Test III Project 2 Presentation 5 Review/Final *This Schedule is an idealized guide for the semester. Depending on the situation, changes may be made by the instructor. Any changes will be announced in advance in class or online (Announcements on Blackboard or e-mail). |
Final Exam Date | August 8, 2019 - 8:00 AM Through August 14, 2019 - 10:00 AM | ||||||||
Grading Scale | 90 - 100=A 80 - 89=B 70 - 79=C 60 - 69=D Below 59 = F | ||||||||
Determination of Final Grade |
Tests & Quizzes: 30%; Labs & Projects: 25%; Assignments:15%; HW: 15%; Final Exam: 15 % | ||||||||
Course Policies | |||||||||
Instructor Policies |
1. Late Assignments will NOT be accepted and will result in a zero, except for students who were absent due to illness and have valid proof. Due date: 11: 59 pm Sunday in the same week unless specified. 2. Consistent Participation is strongly encouraged and will affect your final grade. 3. Only regular scientific calculators are permitted during exams/quizzes. All other electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, computers, etc. are not allowed. 4. All assignments need to be turned in through Blackboard (BB). The handwritten assignments need to be scanned, not photographed. Please follow instructions in "How to turn in assignment(s)" in the Content folder of Blackboard (BB). 5. Each student must write up his or her own Lab and Do not makeup data. Sharing of images or documents are also instances of academic dishonesty, resulting in a grade of zero for that assignment. Repeated instances of academic dishonesty will result in a course grade of "F" and other possible additional academic penalties. |
Attendance Policy | Perfect attendance is not required, but regular attendance is strongly encouraged and it would affect the final grade. Five unexcused absences will result in F in the final grade. | ||||||||
Academic Honesty | Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty. | ||||||||
Facility Policies |
Important Information | |||||||||
ADA Considerations | The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241. | ||||||||
MyLamarPA | Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLamarPA campus web portal ( When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLamarPA. | ||||||||
Other | I will not discuss your grades over the phone or by email. If you want to discuss your grades, you must come to my office, in person. | ||||||||
HB 2504 | This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504. |